
Rand Paul tests campaign themes in video

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) at a recent speech in Manchester, N.H., as he prepares to officially enter the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) at a recent speech in Manchester, N.H., as he prepares to officially enter the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
(Jim Cole / Associated Press)
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Previewing a likely theme of his presidential campaign, Sen. Rand Paul released a video Monday portraying himself as “a different kind of Republican.”

“It’s time for a new way, a new set of ideas, a new leader, one you can trust, one who works for you, and above all, it’s time for a new president,” Paul says in the two-minute and forty-second video.

Paul, who is expected to announce his White House bid on Tuesday, is a first-term senator from Kentucky whose election in 2010 was fueled by the rise of the Tea Party. He is also the son of former Rep. Ron Paul, a three-time presidential candidate with an ardent army of backers.


But to successfully compete for the Republican presidential nomination, Paul will have to go beyond those voting blocs. The video highlights Paul’s efforts to reach out to audiences that do not typically align with the GOP, including minority communities.

The video includes prominent footage of both conservative and liberal political commentators praising Paul’s record, including his nearly 13-hour filibuster over the Obama administration’s drone policy.

One clip, for example, shows Jon Stewart on Comedy Central’s Daily Show admiringly saying of Paul, “He’s using the filibuster the way it’s meant to be used.”


The video includes several snippets from one of Paul’s recent speeches. Some promote standard Republican policies, including balancing the budget and simplifying the tax code. But it also includes Paul’s efforts to appeal to minority communities.

“Liberal policies have failed our inner cities,” he declares.

The speech also includes a line calling for a “stronger, better, more agile military.” That might cause consternation among some of Paul’s libertarian supporters. Paul recently called for increased military spending -- a notable departure from the campaign appeals of his father but part of his effort to subdue concerns among Republicans who prioritize national security and foreign policy.

The video concludes with chants of “President Paul, President Paul,” as the screen fades to a silhouette of the senator.


Paul’s formal announcement is expected to be made at noon Tuesday at the historic Galt House in Louisville, Ky. He will then barnstorm the states that hold the earliest GOP presidential nominating contests, holding events in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada.

Paul also plans to slip into California Friday evening for a fundraiser at the Newport Beach home of Helena and Ron Sechrist. Supporters are being asked to contribute up to $10,400 to a joint fundraising committee composed of Paul’s Senate reelection committee and his Political Action Committee, according to an invitation.

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