
Trail etiquette, L.A. style

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One thing you have to say about Michele Thrapp of Woodland Hills: She is stoic when it comes to handling pain. The other day Thrapp, 59, fell while on a hiking trail in Pacific Palisades and broke her ankle. While she lay on the trail, trying to raise her leg, one passerby said, “Stretching your hamstrings, eh?” Another hiker, obviously a Westsider, said to Thrapp, “Oh, yoga?” “Right,” Thrapp said later, “yoga with my head in the dirt.”

She added that once it became clear she needed help, several other people rushed to her aid and emergency personnel responded quickly.

Novelties department

On the Harbor Freeway, Lisel and Gary Albin of Long Beach spotted a truck offering just the thing for a “company picnic that offers a three-legged race” (see photo).


‘Duh!’ award winner

In Austin, Texas, Robert Jellison saw a sign regarding bats that was pretty common-sensical. In fact, I suspect it’s not a good idea to handle bats under any circumstances. (see photo).

Drought solution?

John Lewis of L.A. noticed an ad apparently aimed at those who no longer want to water their lawns (see photo).

What real estate slump?

You’d never guess there was a downturn from the boldly frank property listing spotted by Norma Hardgrove of Irvine. “Just imagine how much the house would be if it were ‘turnkey’ and not a ‘turkey,’” she added (see accompanying).


Guide to adventurous dining (continued)

Susan Nooger of Winnetka contributed our latest entry -- chocolate “mouse” cake. “Luckily, catfish isn’t on the same menu,” she added.

More Tales o’ the Palisades

Reports of two juveniles breaking into cars on several streets, amid the cries of residents, brought several police cars and a helicopter, the Palisadian-Post reported.

The pair were careful about targeting vehicles. At one point, a construction worker saw one of the kids look at the worker’s ancient truck and tell his confederate, “Don’t even bother looking into that one.”


One resident, unaware of the helicopter, stepped outside to see why her house was vibrating and encountered one of the thieves, who asked, “What’s going on?”

As it turned out, he and his friend were going on a ride to jail after they were found in possession of two car stereo faceplates.


It was sad to see all the Laker flags disappear from cars and trucks in Southern California this week. It was almost as though the fans had completely forgotten Phil and Kobe’s team. What would have been more fitting is if the drivers had left the flags up for a few days -- at half staff.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at
