
Troops Could Stay Beyond Limit

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Times Staff Writer

In yet another sign of the strains on the U.S. military in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks and the Iraq war, the Pentagon for the first time is considering extending the mobilization of National Guard soldiers who will soon hit the federal limit of 24 months of active service, defense officials said Tuesday.

Initially, the decision would affect about 450 soldiers of the Arkansas National Guard who are in Iraq with the 39th Brigade Combat Team. The soldiers, mobilized after Sept. 11 and first sent to the Sinai Peninsula on a peacekeeping rotation, are the first group of National Guard troops to approach the 24-month limit that the Pentagon established days after the terrorist attacks in the United States.

Ultimately, however, waiving the limit in this case might lead to extended deployments for thousands of other reservists and National Guard members in Iraq and Afghanistan, and provide ammunition to critics in Congress who are pushing the Bush administration to increase the size of the military.


“Every day it seems to be another improvisational attempt to stretch forces that are already stretched very thin,” said Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), a former paratrooper with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and an advocate of bolstering the Army’s ranks.

But the status of the soldiers, being considered by David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness, has not yet been decided, Pentagon officials said.

“This is the first time this has happened; we’re breaking new ground here,” said Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke, a Defense Department spokeswoman.


Doing away with the 24-month limit would be certain to upset many long-serving soldiers and their families, who say they are increasingly bearing the weight of a military stretched beyond its capacity. Over the last year, the conflict in Iraq has forced the Pentagon to keep more than 100,000 soldiers and Marines in the country for months after the Bush administration had expected to draw down the troop presence.

The Pentagon has issued orders preventing military personnel from leaving active duty, extended the tours of thousands of troops when insurgent activity in Iraq crested in the spring, and pulled troops out of South Korea to fill out Iraq rotations.

Last month, the Army was forced to dip into its pool of Individual Ready Reserve soldiers -- troops who are not members of a specific reserve unit but have unexpired obligations to complete their military service -- looking for roughly 5,600 to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan.


In a memo to top military officials dated Sept. 20, 2001, Chu established the 24-month policy to ensure that deployments abroad would not place an excessive strain on reservists and National Guard troops unaccustomed to a life of active duty.

The 39th Brigade Combat Team -- made up of National Guard troops from several states -- is a mechanized infantry unit currently based in Taji, about 10 miles north of Baghdad. When the unit went to Iraq in April, commanders were aware that hundreds of its soldiers would hit their 24-month limit while they were deployed there, most beginning in September.

As a result, Brig. Gen. Ronald Chastain, the brigade’s commander, filed a request with the Pentagon to extend the soldiers’ tours. Chu is considering that waiver request.

Since the 39th Brigade Combat Team entered Iraq, 13 soldiers from the unit have been killed by enemy attacks, said Capt. Kristine Munn, a unit spokeswoman.

Five were killed in a single weekend, four of those when mortar rounds hit the brigade’s compound in Taji.

If the Defense Department retains the 24-month limit, those Arkansas National Guard troops whose active duty commitments are set to expire would be free to return home. They also would have the option of volunteering to remain in Iraq on active duty, defense officials said.


In the corridors of the Pentagon, a major concern is that the tempo of deployments since the Sept. 11 attacks will ultimately take its toll on retention and recruitment both in the active service and the reserves. Thus far, the Army has been able to meet recruiting goals for the active force, but is falling short of its 2004 target numbers for the National Guard.

There are now more than 131,000 Army National Guard troops and reservists on active duty, in most cases for 15- to 18-month stints.

Yet even as the Pentagon struggles to meet its global commitments, top defense officials repeatedly have said that there is no cause to expand the size of the military, as some lawmakers from both parties have been urging.

“There’s folks in the Pentagon who refuse to admit that we’re in for a long time in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Reed said.

The Senate last month voted overwhelmingly to increase the Army by 20,000 soldiers, and the House voted for a 30,000-troop increase. The White House maintains its opposition to a permanent increase.
