
Title: “81st Brigade Combat Team Arrives Safely To Iraq”

From Capt. Anne Marie Peacock, Deputy Public Affairs Officer

81st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) arrives safely - The convoy into Iraq was a success.

The final leg of the 81st BCT’s journey went smoothly, with nothing worse than a few maintenance challenges.

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Prior to the departure, the brigade conducted extensive convoy operation training at Fort Lewis, the National Training Center, and Camp New York Kuwait. Soldiers in Kuwait underwent live fire exercises that allowed them the opportunity to engage known threat targets from a moving vehicle. Training also emphasized the establishment of a secure zone after responding to hypothetical attacks or break-downs. As a result of their detailed preparations, the convoy left Kuwait well-trained and ready for anything they might encounter along the way.


The Military Police (MP) Platoon joined forces with other MPs to pave the way for the rest of the brigade. They controlled traffic at intersections, scanned for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and provided security at check points. Spec. Amy Wapnowski, a member of the MP platoon, said, “I think our leadership did a great job getting us ready. Everything was prepared to go smoothly.”

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The soldiers’ hard work and extensive preparation ensured the safety of all the troops during the convoy. Said Brigadier General Oscar Hilman, 81st BCT Brigade Commander, “Training turns the natural apprehension soldiers have into strength and confidence once the mission begins. The glow in our soldiers’ eyes is not fear--it tells our adversaries, ‘Don’t screw with us!’”

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Various elements of the 81st BCT were divided into multiple serials that comprised the three day journey. The first leg of the journey began at noon and lasted only a few hours. Soldiers moved to a location near the Kuwait-Iraq border where they were able to relax and brace themselves for the move into Iraq. The highlight of the first night was the food stands provided inside the camp. Hungry soldiers spent their evening waiting in the snaking lines for their pizzas and double tall mochas.

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Day Two began shortly after midnight, as sleepy soldiers packed up their cots and departed on the next stretch of the trip. Although energy levels were high, many soldiers struggled to stay awake and alert during the early hours of the convoy.

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Once the sun rose, however, soldiers were treated to a large and varied expanse of countryside, a welcome change from the seemingly endless stretches of sand they had encountered in Kuwait.

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As the convoy moved north, the Iraqi population gave the 81st BCT soldiers a warm reception. Along the dusty, unimproved roads in the south, people clad in the traditional flowing robes turned away from their herds of sheep and camel to wave as the serials passed. Children gestured requests for water and food and shouted greetings to the soldiers.

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Later during the day, the convoy was forced to halt. Soldiers were tense as they assumed guard positions, gripping their weapons as they scrutinized their surroundings for any type of suspicious person or activity. “There was a lot of adrenaline going on,” said Spec. Charles Booth, a soldier from the command section.

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Brigadier General Hilman praised the troops’ poise in assuming a strong defensive posture. He said, “Our soldiers showed confidence and aggression during the halt. They followed the combat battle drills and effectively covered their fields of fire.”

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The soldiers began to relax a bit as the forced stop became more prolonged. Iraqi children, curious about the American soldiers, began to swarm cautiously around the convoy. Initially, soldiers were nervous about the children’s presence and wanted to keep them away from the vehicles.

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Soon, however, the children gathered around the dismounted soldiers, chattering in Arabic and broken English. Some of them simply wanted to talk, but others attempted to sell DVDs, old Iraqi currency, and various other items to the troops. Many of the soldiers had the opportunity to try out their rudimentary Arabic phrases and have their pictures taken with the Iraqi children.

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Now safely set at their new home, the 81st BCT soldiers are able to enjoy a wide range of amenities in the secured environment.

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As the other units make their exit, the 81st BCT will assume its new position in its area of responsibility. They will conduct a relief in place with outgoing units in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II.

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Just as meticulous planning and preparation helped ensure safety during the convoy, the brigade’s training will also contribute to its future security and support operations at its new location. All of the hard work and hot days both stateside and in Kuwait are paying off--now it is the 81st Brigade Combat Team’s time to shine.

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