
Letters: A warm welcome to Big Brother


Re “Big Brother? Meh,” Opinion, June 13

Decades ago, when climate scientists raised concerns about global warming, they were dismissed by the public as Nervous Nellies. Never mind that the public’s opinions were based on a grossly superficial analysis; the ostriches won out and today we are already seeing the effects of climate change predicted many years ago.

Now the same charge of “you’re worried about nothing” is being thrown at experts and others who have been watching the growth of police powers, the fundamental changes made possible by “big data” and the ever-increasing use of terrorism as an excuse for gross government abuses. And once again, when the public (and columnist Meghan Daum) finally figures out that there really was a problem, it will be too late to do anything about it.


Geoff Kuenning


To those who ask why Facebook users mind government snooping when they post all their own personal information anyway, I remind them there is a big difference between singing onstage and singing in the shower, where others have not been invited to listen.

Our government interpreted our laws in secret for our own supposed good, which is the very method tyranny uses to creep in quietly.

It’s not that a computer recorded all of my calls, it’s that the world’s largest superpower overstepped its boundaries with its own citizens. That should be somewhat alarming.

Kathy Harty



“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom,” wrote Ida B. Wells in her autobiography.

Given the involvement of all three branches of government and the agreement of two political parties that dysfunctionally disagree on practically everything else, the truth of the motto belongs with the National Security Agency.

Kudos to Daum for her column on our expectations for privacy in the digital age. Admitted leaker Edward Snowden has had his 15 minutes of fame.

Sandee Mirell




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