
Letters: Money and schools

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Re “Some are in denial about precarious state of schools,” Column, Oct. 14

The voter reactions to the crisis in school funding described by Steve Lopez remind me of my daughter’s response years ago when I told her we couldn’t afford something: “Why don’t you just write a check?”

My two daughters were in high school in the South Bay when Proposition 13 was passed in 1978. There were spirited discussions about it among parents. Some were teachers, and warnings about the damage to school budgets were dismissed. When Proposition 13 passed and school programs were curtailed or eliminated, many people said politicians were just crying wolf.


Within a year, I saw bumper stickers advocating for more tennis courts in Torrance; I always wondered how many of those same people voted for Proposition 13.

Robert Von Bargen

Santa Monica


I think what Lopez is hearing about Proposition 30, which would temporarily raise sale taxes in California, is just a reflection of voters’ frustration with a government that can’t do anything right. The governor asks us for more money for schools but can’t free us from the grips of unions that fight for tenure and make it impossible to terminate bad teachers or reduce administrators.

We need comprehensive education reform. Just as President Obama’s mini-Dream Act is no substitute for comprehensive immigration reform, Proposition 30 is no substitute for the Legislature and governor actually governing by developing comprehensive education reform.

Voters will approve tax hikes when they are confident they will see results. There is little such confidence when it comes to our schools.


Jeffrey C. Briggs


Please tell me what is wrong with California voters: Are they so ill-informed that they think everything is black or white? Do they believe that everyone in government is out to get their money? Do they really believe that there are no good people in government who make our state run each day? Do they think that good roads, schools, clean air and safe food are provided without any cost required?

Sure, there are things about government that we want to change, but denying our children an education is not one of them. I hope those people who sent these ugly emails to Lopez are a minority and that they will reconsider and vote for what is best for most Californians.

Bobby Fraker

Hacienda Heights



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