
California’s Role in the Presidential Game


Re “California Needs to Find a Way to Get Back Into the Presidential Game,” Oct. 21: I have been waiting almost four years for someone to bring to light the archaic inadequacy of the electoral college system. I agree with George Skelton’s proposal to amend the winner-take-all results, but I would hope we could take it one step further. Every state should award its votes proportionally. If the idea of eliminating the electoral college in favor of a direct popular vote is too radical for some smaller states, then perhaps a proportional system would make sense to them.

Valerie Lape



Dumping the anachronistic electoral college altogether is an idea whose time has come. But proportioning California’s electoral votes by party? That’s an idea that only Republicans could love.

Tracy Culp



Because of the outdated electoral college system, the close horse race for the presidency is being run only in a few key states. California, a national focal point on so many issues, including global trade, immigration, pollution control, water rights, urban sprawl and agriculture, is not one of these places.


If you wonder why the issues we all care about are rarely discussed, and certainly not focused upon, you need not look any further. We tried and failed to become a factor in the primary. Now all we can do is watch from afar, vote as expected, and hope these “battleground” states see things our way.

Steve Gerhardt

Redondo Beach
