
Responsibility in the Iraq war


Re “In Baghdad, fighting their ‘Alamo,’ ” May 23

Some of our soldiers are referring to their piece of the Iraq conflict as an Alamo-like situation. It is ironic (and little known) that the Alamo was a fight for the right of European American citizens to own and use slaves in Mexican territory. Mexico said no, and history turned it into a fight for “American freedom.” As an African American, I know that the Mexicans were the heroes, not the European Americans.

Again we are in a battle that has a dubious motivation. We are freedom fighters once again, but not the heroes.





Re “Democrats give up Iraq deadline,” May 23

Finally, the Democrats woke up, realized that they did not have enough votes to challenge President Bush and began to smell the flowers. Let’s hope that the president and Congress can now focus on realistic benchmarks for the Iraqi government. It was simply a ghastly idea for the Democrats to draw a line in the sand, concoct a white-flag-waving mentality and a deadline to propel our enemy. Our troops have enough troubles and did not need any time limits.

It’s now time for our elected representatives to work together and sensibly hold the Iraqi government accountable. It is Congress’ responsibility to accomplish some good and not become obstructionists. It always did take two to dance.


Baldwin, N.Y.


I pray that we find the courage and wisdom to remove ourselves from Iraq; even so, I find it difficult to blame the Democratic congressional leadership for “backing down.” If we Democrats forced Bush to withdraw, in 2008 our nation would be ripped apart over “who lost Iraq.” The political result could end our grand experiment in liberal democracy.


Avoiding that truly awful result just might be worth sacrificing another 5,000 soldiers to death and injury. God help and forgive us.


