
ACLU Has Its Wires Crossed

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Re “County Seal Has a Cross the ACLU Can’t Bear,” May 25: Does the American Civil Liberties Union really want to create an ignorant society where history is rewritten or ignored to fit its myopic views? This latest attack, on the seal of Los Angeles County, is ridiculous.

I am a longtime county employee. Upon entering the ranks of county employment, we are taught about the seal and what each graphic represents. The county seal in no way endorses religion, but it does acknowledge the historical impact that the California missions had in shaping the culture and makeup of this state and the county.

For information on the meaning of the county seal, access

Michael Rich

Los Angeles

The county seal looks great to me. Since when does the ACLU not give liberties to everyone?


That cross above the Hollywood Bowl is certainly a part of L.A.’s history. Many of us have beautiful memories of those inspirational early morning Easter sunrise services held there. Hey, [ACLU Executive Director] Ramona Ripston, use your time on something else.

Jean Dmytryk


The entire Southwest is fertile ground for the efforts of the increasingly radical ACLU. Why stop at suing to remove the symbol of the cross from a county seal? The very name of “Las Cruces” in New Mexico means “the crosses.” Surely the ACLU cannot allow that to go unchallenged. “Santa Cruz” means “Holy Cross.” We live in the county of “the angels.” Many of our cities and counties and geographical landmarks bear the names of Catholic saints.

The history of California is rooted in the work of the Franciscan missionaries who accompanied the Spanish explorers and settlers, whether the ACLU likes it or not. Erasing our history to suit the ideology of that organization is a labor of demagogues.


Manuel H. Rodriguez


The ACLU has lost its focus. It needs to pursue what is worth protecting rather than the inane pursuit of religious iconography on official seals.

Sleepy little Redlands couldn’t afford a fight. L.A. County needs to step to the front and refocus the beast.

Steve McMullen

