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Re “She finally has a home: Harvard,” Column One, June 20

I congratulate Khadijah Williams and those who helped her. May she live her dream.

Now, what about her 32-year-old mother and her younger sister who are apparently still homeless?

As a volunteer tutor, I have learned that a child loses three months of education every time he or she is moved to a different school. Homeless children often change schools several times each school year.

It is time for all of us to find our compassion, our sense of the common good, and loudly say we will no longer put up with homelessness. We must write and call our political leaders. We must send contributions to homeless service agencies. We must teach our children that homelessness is unacceptable. We must volunteer our time.


Elaine Butler



A thousand thanks for highlighting those achievements of our youth that aren’t gained on the athletic field.

After reading this remarkable young woman’s story, I believe that it’s safe to predict that Khadijah Williams’ future contributions to society will far outweigh those of Venus and Serena Williams.

Mike Harvey



Why does our state permit thousands of children, including children such as Khadijah Williams, to live in homeless shelters?


I do not wish to detract from this young lady’s phenomenal accomplishments. But I wish to point out that there are thousands of other youngsters living under similar circumstances, and the budget cuts proposed by our arrogant governor will make these children’s lives that much more miserable.

William Joseph Miller

Los Angeles


All school district employees should be required to read this story. Student success is embedded in her experience. It is not “more money” that is needed. It is not spending more days in school.

Khadijah had no money and spent fewer days in school. Instead, she made a commitment to succeed, and she worked daily toward success. All students should be required to read her story.


Jean Solomon

Los Angeles


Front-page human interest articles like this are the reason I maintain my subscription to The Times. This is a truly remarkable and inspiring story. Never underestimate the value of this kind of journalism.

Gary J. Halbert

Laguna Niguel
