
Parents split on vaccination idea

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Re “Proposal to require HPV vaccine stirs concerns,” Feb. 12

I am amazed that George Warren won’t vaccinate his preteen daughter for the human papilloma virus, the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer. He says she doesn’t need it because he is a good parent and tells her what is right and wrong. Is he psychic? He somehow knows his daughter will never be raped? She’ll never have a husband who lies about his history or cheats on her? For all other parents who do not have such psychic abilities, please vaccinate your daughters and possibly save their lives.


Long Beach


Texas Gov. Rick Perry has bypassed the legislative process and signed an order stating that girls ages 11 and 12 are to receive the HPV vaccine beginning in 2008. This order infringes on the rights of parents to make decisions for their children. As parents, we must guard our children carefully and stand up when anything threatens our autonomy as a family. We must let those who govern over us know that we will not be easily led to lose our freedom to parent as God directs us, and the freedom to choose and reject those who govern us.



Detroit, Texas
