
The Electoral College Should Be Abolished

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Re “Making Every Vote Count Would Be a Tricky Proposition,” Washington Outlook, Oct. 11: Ronald Brownstein’s comments come 1,427 days too late.

The fact is that very few people without a degree in political science understand the function of the electoral college and its effect on our presidential elections.

The American voter should be outraged that a system designed 225 years ago could and probably will render their vote meaningless, giving us a president who is not popularly elected, as was the case in 2000.


Contemporary American voters do not need someone whom they did not elect to cast their votes. Congress should have amended the Constitution after the 2000 election to eliminate this relic of a time long passed in American culture and the political process.

I vote for a contemporary electoral process in which a president is elected by a simple majority, as is every other elected official.

Like most other Americans, I believe that the doctrine of “one man (or woman), one vote” should not be replaced with “winner take all.”


Jack Dangelo

Newport Beach


Completely eliminating the electoral college and having the decision made by a majority of the popular vote would, for instance, radically eliminate shameful subsidies and pandering. There are more voters than farmers; ethanol and agricultural subsidies would shrink. Ditto other areas.

Of course, that would still leave the influence of corporate and union interests. For this, one would have to mandate public financing of elections.

Unfortunately, none of the above has the slightest chance of becoming law.

Dove Menkes



The fact remains that the only fair method of electing our president is one man, one vote through a national popular vote.


In lieu of this method, consider a compromise electoral vote system in which each state, winner take all, is awarded one vote for each congressional representative plus only one vote, instead of two, for their two senators. Oh what a difference that would make!

I can picture the headlines in November 2000 -- “Gore Wins Presidency in Close Popular Vote, Edges Bush in Electoral Vote 246 to 241.”

Rex Allen

Costa Mesa
