
Archbishop would deny rite to Giuliani

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A Roman Catholic archbishop is threatening to deny Holy Communion to Rudolph W. Giuliani over his support for abortion rights, spotlighting the former New York City mayor’s break from his church -- and his political party -- on an issue of crucial importance to both.

St. Louis Archbishop Raymond L. Burke’s comments threatened to reignite an issue that could prove troublesome for Giuliani among churchgoing Republicans -- questions about how devoutly he practices his Catholic faith. Burke in 2004 also said he would deny Communion to Democrat John F. Kerry.

In New Hampshire, Giuliani brushed off Burke’s comments, saying: “Archbishops have a right to their opinion, you know. There’s freedom of religion in this country.”


The archbishop’s comments on abortion come as Giuliani tries to forestall a possible defection by religious conservative leaders to a third-party candidate.

Giuliani, who once considered becoming a priest, has said how he practices his faith is a matter between him and his priest.
