
McCain’s daughter speaks up for him

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The blogosphere has been atwitter over a report in the New York Times about likely Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his relationship with a female lobbyist. One blogger who rose to his defense had a very personal interest in the story.

After all, he’s her dad.

Meghan McCain, 23, frequently travels with her father on his bus, the “Straight Talk Express,” filing commentary along the way. The blog, McCain Blogette, is light on political analysis and heavy on photos and breathless captions, such as “These people waited out in the snow for us!”

But Wednesday night, just hours after the New York Times posted its controversial story about her dad on its website, Meghan turned philosophical.


“Life is all about perspective,” she wrote in a post titled “Lucky Girl.”

“Having grown up in politics,” she continued, “I know it’s an industry that, for all intents and purposes, is known for being dirty and cruel. . . . Why do I choose to be involved in politics right now? Because my father is different. He’s compassionate, full of life, hilarious and is a beacon of integrity to myself and to so many others. Politics is rough, but I absolutely adore my Dad and this campaign and have never, ever stopped believing in him. It’s just that simple.”

-- Robin Abcarian
