
Nevada Democratic caucuses rally support for Obama

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Far from South Carolina, President Obama won another easy victory in Nevada’s Democratic caucuses.

Of course, there was no suspense in the result. Obama won 98.3% of the delegates after caucuses at 118 locations around the state, where four years ago Hillary Rodham Clinton notched a narrow victory.

Turnout fell short of expectations, with fewer than 13,000 Democrats participating despite the party’s efforts to have a strong showing in what will likely be a general election swing state. More than 116,000 turned out for the 2008 caucuses.


But the party said volunteers have made more than a half a million calls to supporters, held 4,000 one-on-one meetings and opened three campaign offices in the state.

“Nevada Democrats are energized and ready to get to work to reelect President Obama,” state Democratic chairwoman Roberta Lange said in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid played attack dog for his party, criticizing Mitt Romney at one caucus location for saying the housing market has to “hit bottom” before the economy can recover, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.


Reid also seemed to mock Newt Gingrich after his ex-wife’s recent claim that he had once sought an open marriage.

“We’ve learned recently that one of the candidates believes in free love,” Reid said, according to the paper.

The Nevada Republican caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 4, four days after the Florida primary.
