
Obama for America weighs in on ‘fiscal cliff,’ hints at future role

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Obama for America provided a hint Wednesday of what its post-campaign role may be, sending supporters an email promoting the president’s stance on the fiscal cliff and encouraging recipients to spread the White House’s message.

“Your voice and action helped reelect President Obama,” the email declares. It thanked everyone for their support and responded to what the group says has been a persistent request: “Keeping you informed about how the president is fighting for you so you can continue to talk to your friends, family and neighbors.”

Detailing Obama’s plan for dealing with the fiscal cliff, the email lists the proposal to extend tax cuts for 98% of Americans and 97% of small businesses, ending the tax cuts for the top 2% of Americans and more than $3 trillion in cuts.

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Though Obama is “not wedded to every detail,” the message clarifies that “his guiding principles throughout this debate will be what’s best for the middle class. He’ll be fighting for you.”

The message hews closely to the plan hinted at by former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina on Tuesday, when he spoke at an event sponsored by the online news site Politico. Messina predicted that the massive number of engaged supporters would continue its participation into Obama’s second term.

“People just spent five years winning two presidential elections together. They’re now not going to walk away and not help him become the change that they want to see,” Messina said.

But the mechanism through which they’re spurred to action is still in a tentative form, one anticipated to be ironed out by Inauguration Day.

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“You can’t run two presidential campaigns from the grassroots and say now we’re going to run this from D.C.,” Messina said, clearly opposing any sort of top-down implementation of a post-campaign Obama for America.

The surveys sent out by the organization will largely inform the decisions made between now and Inauguration Day, Messina said, but if the initial fiscal cliff email is any indication, that formative period won’t be an inactive one.

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