
Obama asked about Kardashians, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ on ‘The View’

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On Monday, shortly after delivering a speech to the graduating class of Barnard College extolling the role of women in public life, President Obama continued his theme with a visit to ABC’s “The View.” His appearance will be broadcasted Tuesday.

It was his fourth time on the show, his second as president. The ladies of “The View” like the president, and as it turns out, he’s pretty good for them; in July 2010, the president helped the distaff gabfest earn its best ratings ever (6.59 million people watched the show, according to the network).

During his visit, the president chatted with Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sherri Shepherd and Joy Behar about gay marriage, the JPMorgan Chase fiasco, his take on American exceptionalism, and, well, erotic literature -- sort of.


Near the end of his appearance, Behar challenged the president: “Now, we know you know a lot about politics, you know about the law. But do you know about pop culture?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” the president replied. “Fire away.”

“Which Kardashian was married for only 72 days?” asked Behar.

“That would be Kim,” replied the most powerful man in the world, who felt compelled to explain himself. “Because he was a ball player. I know he was a ball player. That’s how I know, from watching basketball.” (Kardashian’s brief husband was NBA star Kris Humphries.)

“Okay, this one you may not know. I’m hoping that you don’t, as a matter of fact,” said Behar, who plunged ahead: “What’s the controversial sex book that’s on millions of women’s bedside tables?”


The president drew a blank.

“I don’t know that,” he said, as the audience laughed and applauded, probably in relief.

The answer, as just about everyone else in the room knew, was “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the stunningly successful and literarily underwhelming novel about a naive college graduate who finds herself in a contractual relationship with a sadistic young billionaire who is into bondage and domination.

No one felt compelled to fill the president in on the plot. “I’ll ask Michelle when I get home,” he said. “I’ll ask Michelle when I get home what’s going on.”


Original source: Obama asked about Kardashians, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ on ‘The View’
