
Obama tweets his love for first lady on Valentine’s Day

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President Obama today advised men everywhere to “go big” when it comes to Valentine’s Day plans for their loved ones. Apparently for him, that includes a love tweet directed at the first lady.

The president’s campaign Twitter feed included this message this afternoon: “Hey, @MichelleObama: Happy Valentine’s Day.” It was signed “-bo,” which is meant to signify that the message was, indeed, from the commander in chief himself.

Mrs. Obama hasn’t responded yet. But she did post yesterday on her own account about the fact that Al Green’s hit “Let’s Stay Together” was on his campaign playlist this year.


It’s unclear what else the president might have in store for the holiday. This morning, before speaking about the payroll tax holiday, he offered this warning to his fellow husbands: “Do not forget! I speak from experience here!”

“It is important that you remember this. And go big -- that’s my advice,” he added.

The first lady told “Access Hollywood” last week that plans for tonight were “his job,” and that she knew something was in the works.

“I think there may be a date night. There’s something scheduled,” she said. “It’s hard for him to pull off the big surprise when you’ve got a motorcade and police escorts and all that stuff.”

