
Poll: Obama’s approval among Latinos keeps slipping

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Although President Obama still enjoys higher job approval ratings from Latinos than he does from the public at large, a new Ipsos-Telemundo poll shows the president’s support among Latinos continues to decline.

A majority – 56% -- said in late November and early December that they approve of how the president is handling his job. By comparison, 86% of Latinos approved of Obama in April 2009, and 62% approved in June.

According to an Ipsos analysis of the poll, the results “suggest that while President Obama’s approval has been dropping since he took office, the disillusion among Latinos is more pronounced than among the general public.”


The six-percentage-point drop since June is double the drop among the public at large, according to the poll. Just 47% of the public at large approves of the job he’s doing.

Still, far fewer Latinos strongly disagree with the way the president is doing his job. Just 14% say they strongly disagree with how he’s handling the presidency, compared with 32% of the public at large.
