
Abortion records are under review

From the Associated Press

The state attorney general said Tuesday night that his office had received the records of 90 patients from two abortion clinics and was reviewing them for possible crimes, the culmination of an effort that prompted concerns over patient privacy.

Atty. Gen. Phill Kline, one of the nation’s foremost abortion opponents, said the targets of his investigation were rapists, sex offenders with child victims, and doctors involved in illegal abortions. Those could include doctors performing illegal late-term abortions or those failing to report abuse of a child.

The clinics had argued that giving the attorney general access to the records would invade patients’ privacy.


Shawnee County District Judge Richard Anderson subpoenaed the records at Kline’s request in September 2004, concluding there was probable cause to believe they contained evidence of crimes.

The state Supreme Court imposed new guidelines for having the records reviewed and edited before they were given to the district court. Under that process, neither Kline nor the judge saw the names of the patients.

Kline’s office received redacted copies of the records a week ago.

Kline, a Republican, is in a tight race for reelection with Johnson County prosecutor Paul Morrison, a Democrat.
