
Fees Were Cloaked in Guam Lobbying Deal

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Times Staff Writers

Investigators here are looking into a secret agreement reached three years ago between island court administrators and lobbyist Jack Abramoff, now the target of unrelated criminal and congressional corruption inquiries in Washington.

In 2002 Abramoff was retained by the Guam Superior Court to help fight a judicial reform bill pending before Congress. It was an unusual arrangement for a public agency. No separate contract was authorized, and Abramoff’s lobbying fees were disguised in a series of small checks funneled through a California lawyer under an existing contract, records and interviews show.

The middleman, Laguna Beach lawyer Howard Hills, said in an interview that he backed out of his role after processing 36 separate checks in $9,000 increments totaling $324,000.


The transactions now are under investigation by the Guam Public Auditor’s office.

In May 2002, Superior Court administrators were trying to stop legislation that would give the Guam Supreme Court authority over the Superior Court.

The bill’s supporters at the time, such as Guam’s congressional delegate, Robert A. Underwood, said the measure was needed to prevent undue political influence on the judiciary and also to clarify the authority of the Supreme Court.

Foes, led by Superior Court Chief Justice Alberto C. Lamorena and court administrator Anthony Sanchez, objected to Congress interfering with a Guam domestic matter. But they received an unexpectedly hostile reception at a hearing in Washington on May 8, 2002.


According to Hills’ account, the court officials, licking their wounds over lunch, decided to call in Abramoff, known for his political ties to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), who was the House whip at the time.

The California lawyer, a former Reagan administration official, was acting as a consultant to the Guam Superior Court. Hills said the Guam contingent walked a few blocks to Signatures, the Washington restaurant they knew was owned by Abramoff.

At an impromptu meeting, Abramoff said he could help, Hills said. The lobbyist also told the Guam officials that DeLay and House Republican leaders would find abhorrent any interference by Congress in a local court dispute.


Hills withdrew, he said, thinking his services no longer were required. Instead, Hills said, he soon found himself helping to conceal Abramoff’s agreement with the Guam court.

Rather than create a new contract for Abramoff, the Guam Superior Court hired the lobbyist under Hills’ original consulting contract. No public disclosure was required and, according to Hills’ account and e-mails reviewed by The Times, the unusual billing system was created.

One e-mail from Sanchez to Hills on May 23, 2002, asked “can you please send me 22 individual invoices at no more than $9K for May payments.... Very important.” Sanchez used the e-mail address “nobodyonguam.”

In another e-mail dated Sept. 30, 2002, Sanchez ordered Hills not to talk about the arrangement. Hills said he forwarded all of the $9,000 payments to Abramoff.

Eventually, Hills said, he called a halt to the arrangement and refused to submit any additional bills on Abramoff’s behalf. That also ended the string of payments, prompting Abramoff’s complaint to Sanchez.

“Tony, I am under real pressure here regarding payments to the firm,” Abramoff wrote in an e-mail late in the summer of 2002. “We really need to get the rest of the funds in asap. We have already gone beyond the $400,000 in total expenses (fees and out of pockets including contributions we have had to make for this) that the firm agreed for representation.


“The Congress is in recess now, but things will get hot Sept. 3 when they are back. Please make sure we have the rest of the money we are supposed to have,” the e-mail continued.

Meanwhile, the court reform bill opposed by Abramoff on behalf of the Guam Superior Court was stymied. Despite winning unanimous approval from a House committee, the measure was never brought up for a vote by the House Republican leadership in 2002.

Abramoff declined to be interviewed, and through a spokesman refused to answer written questions. Lamorena did not respond to several requests for comment.

Sanchez, who no longer works for the court, acknowledged in a brief interview in Guam that the payment arrangement with Abramoff had proved troublesome.

“We didn’t completely understand how Washington works,” Sanchez said, adding that he still believed the arrangement was legal.

Lobbying records filed in Washington show that Abramoff’s firm registered as a lobbyist for Hills, but did not disclose that the real client was the Guam Superior Court.


The Public Auditor in Guam said the Hills-Abramoff contract arrangement was the subject of an active investigation.

Last year, with Abramoff no longer working against it, the Guam court reform measure won easy congressional approval.
