
Flag-Draped Coffins Should Be in Full Sight

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for printing on the front page the picture of flag-draped coffins at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware (April 23). Americans need to see more of these images in order to weigh the cost of the war in Iraq. What you showed was scarcely 1% of the actual number of young Americans who have come home in coffins such as these.

My dear son returned home in a flag-draped coffin nine months ago, and his return was shrouded in secrecy. The Army would not give us information on when he would arrive at Dover. We were also told we could not be at the Burbank airport when he arrived.

The Pentagon says the secrecy is to protect the privacy of the families. Nonsense. Please continue to lift the veil of secrecy that surrounds the return home of our dead loved ones.


Jane Bright

West Hills

I was saddened to see the flag-draped coffins of our fallen soldiers. I couldn’t help but be struck by the painful irony that this picture and others like it have been censored by the same U.S. government that is spending these young men’s and women’s lives to bring democracy to Iraq.

Irvin Godofsky

Marina del Rey

Thank you for printing the picture on the front page. President Bush does not want the American people to know the cost of his Iraq war in lives and money. As a veteran, I am angry at the cost in young lives and the deficit the war has created.

Henry McCarty

Palm Desert

A few weeks ago, Bush had the handover date of June 30 for Iraqis to take over the administration of their country set in stone. Now, according to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, testifying before the Senate on Tuesday, it is “not a magical date.” And Bush accuses Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) of flip-flopping? Poor George, he just keeps digging his hole bigger and bigger, and our service members are paying a dear price for his lack of planning after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.


Where were his advisors, or did Bush’s obsession with Iraq override everything else, including a post-Iraq War strategy?

Charles Jones


Hearing the news of Spain pulling out of Iraq and other countries considering the same (April 22), my first thought is why, but after reflecting for a moment I have to say why not. If I remember history, did not the U.S. choose not to get involved with the first advances of Hitler in Europe? Did not FDR win his election on the campaign that the U.S. would not be involved, as we had our own problems with the Depression? Only after Pearl Harbor being bombed did we declare war on Japan.

Why should I be surprised that other nations would not want to risk their citizens’ lives for someone else’s freedom? We talk about the need for human rights throughout the world, but is anyone really prepared to sacrifice for that goal?


Arlene Ober

Van Nuys

Re the horrific and recurrent daily headlines: My God, how peaceful this world would be if religion went away!

Bob Rockwell

