
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy Is Self-Defeating

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Re “The Price of Not Telling,” editorial, Dec. 21: Kudos for your excellent analysis of the ultimately self-defeating nature of the Pentagon’s misbegotten “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

The Supreme Court’s sodomy ruling does not extend to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which criminalizes sodomy among all military personnel, even for legally married heterosexuals. Punishment can include a five-year brig sentence. Groups are lobbying to change these terribly anachronistic provisions (along with the one-year brig term for adultery) and just maybe, if they are successful, they will finally bring the military brass in line with 21st century morality.

Ben Edward Akerley

Los Angeles


Of all NATO countries, only Turkey, the United States and just a few others forbid gays in the military, and yet there have been no major problems. Why should America be so concerned about the sexual orientation of soldiers who are willing to die for our country while protecting our freedom?


Jack A. Jones

