
Letters: Earn that iPad

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Re “Handing out iPads isn’t enough,” Opinion, Jan. 19

Although the idea of providing access to technology by giving iPads to students is being considered and implemented in some school districts — namely, Los Angeles Unified — the thought of giving children expensive electronics with no

performance expectations violates everything we know about good parenting. Why not take advantage of the powerful incentive these tablets provide and set academic expectations for earning them? For example, a student who earns at least a 2.5 grade-point average would be eligible to check out a tablet. If the grades fall, the student must give the electronic device back to the school.

We must not be afraid to set expectations for children. We should capitalize on the desire these devices create in students and use them as a carrot to engage our hard-to-reach children in school.


By the way, why provide iPads — one of the most expensive tablets on the market — to our students? Perhaps we should provide less expensive, workhorse tablets that do the job, and let the students ponder how to obtain top-of-the-line products. This could lead them to seek higher levels of education.

Jennifer Casebeer



The writer is an educator and administrator in the Corona-Norco Unified School District.


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