
Readers React: Mayor Garcetti’s halfhearted attempt on the Olympics

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To the editor: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti probably isn’t too concerned about political fallout from losing the U.S. bid for the 2024 Summer Games because he went into the process low key and without complete conviction. According to a political consultant, “It’s not been something where he’s put his stamp on it.” (“Loss of USOC 2024 Olympics bid may not cost Mayor Eric Garcetti politically,” Jan. 10)

If so, then shame on our mayor.

I have been a supporter of Garcetti because I believed him to be a leader who vigorously represents the interests of Los Angeles. However, here he fell woefully short. I would be a lot more proud of him if he gave 100% effort and came up short rather than giving only a halfhearted effort because he was concerned about how not winning the bid might reduce his political capital.

As far as I am concerned, Garcetti’s low-key efforts have hurt him much more politically than if he had given this his all, as Boston’s mayor did. I want a mayor who gives his all for our city.


Drew Pomerance, Tarzana

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