
Readers React: What other groups should Bible-believing business owners shun?

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence speaks during a news conference Monday in Indianapolis on his state's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
(Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Seeing as how Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana is unable or unwilling to repeal his “religious freedom” law, and how he seems stymied as to how to fix it, I have a suggestion. The law could be amended to require businesses to post on their front doors a list of the specific groups they intend to deny services to. (“Uproar over Indiana religious freedom law shows shift in gay rights fight,” March 31)

For those biblical literalists who want to avoid gays, they might also consider denying services to divorcees getting remarried (Matthew 19:9) or to those who are not virgins on their wedding day (Deuteronomy 22:20-21).

This would allow members of those groups the opportunity to avoid the humiliation of walking into a business only to be turned away. It would also provide those of us who would never think of patronizing such a business a heads-up.


Marian Sunabe, South Pasadena


To the editor: Balancing the rights of same-sex couples and business owners who object to their marriages is not a problem, but it is an issue of civics and citizenship.

Public space and business space are the places for equal protection. Religious spaces and churches are set aside for discrimination in the name of a creed.


Douglas Braun-Harvey, San Diego


To the editor: A Christian couple have the right serve ham at their wedding reception, but shouldn’t a kosher caterer have the right — on religious grounds — to decline their business?

Chris Norby, Fullerton



To the editor: Pence claims that his state’s new law doesn’t and wasn’t intended to allow businesses to deny services to the unprotected class of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Then why was the bill signed in a closed ceremony with Pence surrounded by the leaders of various anti-gay organizations?

Alice P. Neuhauser, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: When did politicians, of all people, become our social and religious arbitrators?

Politicians spend an inordinate amount of time fawning over those who donate money to their reelection campaign accounts, but they still have to find some time to tend to the people’s business. Depending on the level of the office, this can run from the filling of potholes to the defense of the nation.

How, then, do they have enough time to try and force their personal views of morality on the general population?

That’s not their job. Their job is to do the pragmatic business of overseeing and running government. There are civil and criminal laws to cover social interaction, and the people’s private business and actions are theirs alone as long as they don’t violate existing law.


Politicians should take care of the public’s business and mind their own.

Bob Hoffman, Long Beach

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