
Readers React: Scalia’s warped logic on religion in public

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In his dissent on public school graduations in churches, Justice Antonin Scalia focuses on the offense one takes when exposed to religion through government action. Whether one may reasonably escape that exposure is key. (“Diplomas and churches don’t mix,” Editorial, June 18)

Scalia’s example of musical taste doesn’t fly. He can simply insert earplugs to avoid music he doesn’t like. Those evasive acts might betray his tastes, but the Constitution doesn’t protect him here.

Freedom of religion, however, includes the right to not express one’s religious leanings, implicit in the Constitution’ prohibition of any religious test for public office.


To boycott a graduation ceremony held in a church serves to express one’s distaste for a religion. Scalia evidently can’t admit that.

Gene Martinez, Orcutt, Calif.

Events of this year should prompt all of us to think back. I truly believe the decline of morals, and the crime rate, is directly related to the absence of God in our daily lives.


Years ago we opened school days and meetings with prayers, and crime was left to mystery novels.

Carlie Harris, Harbor City
