
Readers React: The Dalai Lama’s way

The Dalai Lama acknowledges birthday greetings from well-wishers at the Global Compassion Summit at the Honda Center in Anaheim on July 4. His actual birthday is July 6.

The Dalai Lama acknowledges birthday greetings from well-wishers at the Global Compassion Summit at the Honda Center in Anaheim on July 4. His actual birthday is July 6.

(Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: While I appreciate The Times covering the Dalai Lama’s visit to Southern California and the situation in Tibet, I disagree with the conclusion that Tibetans are “resigned” to the Chinese occupation. (“Dalai Lama speech draws 18,000,” July 6, and “Tibet’s road ahead: crusade in crisis,” July 5)

Having spent a day in Anaheim listening to the Dalai Lama, I assure you he is not resigned to that situation. He is optimistic and as determined as ever to bring better conditions to Tibet.

He asks us to take “compassionate action” to bring about justice and peace in our world.

Victoria Mudd, Sherman Oaks



To the editor: Thanks for the chuckle. Buried in your interesting, informative article (with its wonderful color photos) about exiled Tibetans’ future is the following: “Despite its professed atheism, the Chinese government wants to control the process. The State Religious Affairs Bureau Order No. 5 prohibits the reincarnation of a monk without a permit.”

I do not think that even China’s huge bureaucracy has such powers.

Michelle Lewis, Los Angeles


To the editor: I first met the Dalai Lama about 20 years ago in Boston. I was strolling down the street near my university office and looked up to see him and his entourage walking toward me.


I took the bold step of approaching him directly to shake his hand. We ended up sitting on a park bench in the Boston Common talking about many topics for about two hours. We both then departed for our next appointed round.

Happy 80th birthday to the Dalai Lama.

Philip S. Hart, Los Feliz
