
Readers React: Malibu more like Calabasas? That would be an improvement.

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To the editor: My wife and I left Malibu for the same big-time negative stated by Rob Reiner. During the summer months we were prisoners in our home, thanks to Pacific Coast Highway traffic. We settled in Calabasas, where we have lived happily for the last 23 years. (“Malibu’s royalty squabbles over growth,” Oct. 18)

Considering the unseemly look of the many crowded homes lining PCH in Malibu and the once elaborate, multimillion-dollar city “park” (now sadly overgrown with dead grass and weeds), for proponents of a measure that would restrict development in Malibu to argue that “the most precious place on Earth could end up looking like Calabasas” is more than laughable. Calabasas is where hundreds of Malibu residents come to shop and dine.

Our downside: Too many who once longed for the muddy and polluted shores of Malibu now see the Pacific in their rear-view mirrors as they head “over the hill.”


Wink Martindale, Calabasas


To the editor: Why is there never a mention of the drought and the impact that all of these new water hookups will have because of development? Man is strangling himself.

Linda Roberts, Altadena


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