
Opinion: Drone regulation needs to get out of this holding pattern

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To the editor: Michael Hiltzik mentions FAA Administrator Michael Huerta and Gov. Jerry Brown with regard to drone legislation. ( “Drone regulation in a holding pattern,” Business column, Aug. 7)

Neither of these individuals have enough of a background or professional experience in aviation and are I think are therefore unqualified to make decisions regarding federal aviation regulations.

Drones clearly represent a threat to public safety and should be strictly regulated as are aircraft and pilots.


A simple solution would be to require transponders on all drones with altitude-reporting capability and a code that identifies the registered owner.

Craig Simmons. Northridge


To the editor: The bureaucrats, and those trying to influence them, need to look beyond drones when establishing the regulations.


Given the speed of both the development of drones and the automation of cars, can personal flying vehicles be that far behind? Lanes in the sky that will work for passenger vehicles as well should be the goal.

In the late 1890s, the featured transportation problem at the annual conference of city planners was dealing with horse manure. We are at a similar juncture in transportation, with a future that is hard to imagine much less believe.

Parrish Hirasaki, Redondo Beach


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