
Opinion: Sometimes, patriotism demands taking a knee instead of waving a flag

Members of the Dallas Cowboys, including owner Jerry Jones, took a knee during the national anthem before a Monday Night Football game against the Arizona Cardinals.
(Matt York / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Patriotism is hard to define, but I know it when I see it. (“As Trump continues his attacks, NFL players protest by kneeling or locking arms,” Sept. 24)

When a number of NFL teams and players locked arms and knelt during the national anthem to protest the hateful comments by President Trump, they put their names, careers and their sport on the line to make a deep and heartfelt statement about the current condition of our country. Without a doubt, I saw patriotism.

Far too many people think wearing a red trucker hat and waving a flag make them patriotic. They do not.


Nick Kobliska, Santa Clarita


To the editor: Perhaps the NFL players can do more by standing up than kneeling down. They have the money. They have the influence.

Why not begin a nationwide movement to get every African American citizen registered to vote, get them a photo ID to overcome the voter suppression laws, ensure they can get to the polling booth, and instill the urgency to vote in every election?


Votes are influence; influence is power; power creates change; and change can bring about equality for all as defined in the Constitution. The Constitution is not just words — it’s about action.

Marvin Gordon, Laguna Beach

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