
Opinion: Trump voters have no right to be surprised by the president’s erratic behavior

President Trump cut short his conversation with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, irritated when pressed to confirm he would honor the Obama administration's agreement to accept some 1,250 refugees.
(Alex Brandon / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Hal Houser, a supporter of President Trump, states, “I don’t know why he has rushed so quickly to implement this policy when it needed so much careful consideration.” What in the world made him think Trump was going to be a president who practiced careful consideration? (“For victims of San Bernardino terrorist attack, conflicting views about Trump policy in their name,” Feb. 1)

Was he not following the words and actions of Trump over the many months leading up to the election? The candidate and the president are one and the same, and careful consideration has never been one of his traits.

The era of U.S. presidents making careful, considerate decisions ended on Jan. 20, 2017. It’s only a matter of time before Trump supporters will feel the brunt of one of his rash decisions. When that day comes, they will have to reckon with what they have done by electing this man to the presidency.


Gina Ortiz, Claremont


To the editor: I’m a Jew. While it’s a relief not to be the scapegoat this time, I worry how long that will be true.

Although it is only a temporary travel ban right now, what will happen when that doesn’t fix everything? Who will be the next group blamed and excluded?


Will they make them wear ID tags? Will they freeze their bank accounts? Will they confiscate their possessions? Will they be driven from their homes? And how many minorities will they go through until they get around to me?

Right now, we are all Muslims.

Nancy Garf Moses, Irvine


To the editor: Absent from the president’s anti-immigrant policy is any hint of compassion for displaced persons in need of help.


His recent rebuff to Australia — talking as if he would have liked to renege on a promise by the Obama administration to relocate fewer than 2,000 migrants stranded on Manus and Nauru islands — only reinforces the impression that the poor have little to expect from the allegedly Christian leader of the United States.

Perhaps our president, so late of the National Prayer Breakfast, should reacquaint himself with Scripture, namely Leviticus Chapter 19: “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”

Philip Baer, North Hollywood

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