
Taking on Hollywood: ‘Game of Thrones,’ ‘Iron Man’ and much more

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If you are wondering what the cartoon above is all about, I confess it is a tease. To see the entire image -- my take on the HBO series, “Game of Thrones” -- you’ll need to go to the blog, Company Town or wait to see it in our Sunday newspaper.

Last week, I expanded my role at the L.A. Times by doing the first cartoon in what I hope will be a long string of weekly cartoons about Hollywood. In the months to come, I will be commenting on the business side of entertainment, caricaturing celebrities and stars and finding satire in all the glitz, glamour, greed and goofiness of the movie, TV and music industires.

The cartoons will appear online on Fridays in Company Town and in the Calendar section of the Sunday print newspaper. After years of illustrating the endless march of political folly, I am looking forward to lampooning the less-consequential but equally target-rich environment of Hollywood. Please join me as I shine a spotlight on the biggest show in this town.
