
Widow of Sgt. La David Johnson: Trump ‘couldn’t remember my husband’s name’

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In a phone call with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, President Trump stumbled to remember her husband’s name, according to Myeshia Johnson, who spoke to ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Monday.

“It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it,” Johnson said.

Sgt. Johnson was killed earlier this month along with three other soldiers during an ambush on a special forces patrol in Niger, an attack apparently carried out by militants affiliated with Islamic State.


Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson, a Florida Democrat and family friend who was listening in on the call, has been fighting with Trump over what was said and whether it was insensitive. Johnson’s account backs that of Wilson, whom Trump accused of fabricating the story.

Rather than leave the matter alone, Trump responded to the interview on Twitter, saying he had a “very respectful” conversation with Johnson. Contradicting her, he added, “and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!”

The controversy threatens to overshadow an afternoon White House ceremony in which Trump will award the Medal of Honor to Retired Army Captain Gary Michael “Mike” Rose, a Vietnam War medic.
