
Mailbag: Proposed Fountain Valley sign a ‘hideous plan’

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We have lived in North Mesa Verde, Costa Mesa, for more than 50 years. We have freeway noise, airplane noise, helicopter noise.

Against all our wishes, the 405 Freeway has planned an expansion. All of our areas are becoming more and more congested, with constant downgrades of the quality of life in our neighborhoods.

Now, the city of Fountain Valley proposes to erect a giant LED sign, flashing commercial advertising at us 24 hours a day. This project should have never come this close to approval. The Planning Commission has rejected the project.


So who is attempting to push this project down our throats? Be a good neighbor and reject this hideous plan now.

Bob Wright

Costa Mesa


Epting column was inspiring, thought-provoking

I am a Huntington Beach community member writing to express my displeasure that Chris Epting wrote his last “In the Pipeline” article for the Huntington Beach Independent.


I sure hope it had nothing to do with opposing opinions from other community members. To be able to write something that wakes everyone up and makes them think, feel, question, do something … Epting does this through his writing all the time.

Do I agree with everything he writes or talks about? Of course not, but I do respect him for having an opinion and making a difference every day. In fact, just last week, an Ocean View school board trustee commended Epting on his civility toward other community members who do not share the same views.

His articles inspire others. From one of his most recent articles about Vera Silva to older articles such as Robin Samsoe and her grieving family, Epting not only took the time to interview these families in order for our community to learn their stories, he also put in his own time volunteering, organizing, etc.


I hope you reconsider having his column in your paper. When and if you do, please let me know and I will again subscribe to the Los Angeles Times.

Jessica Camarena

Huntington Beach
