
Livingston news is good

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Times Staff Writer

Shaun Livingston has come a long way since his gruesome knee injury in February, and he remains optimistic after his latest medical visit that he will return to the court this season.

The overriding positive news that came out of his recent visit in Birmingham, Ala., with orthopedic surgeon James Andrews is that all signs point to a complete recovery.

Although his left knee, in which he sustained a dislocated knee cap and three torn ligaments, is regaining its strength, Livingston said the girth around the knee still needs to show growth.


Livingston, who will become a restricted free agent this off-season if the Clippers offer him a $5.8-million qualifying offer by June 30, says he will continue working on strengthening the knee.

“It’s my call on how the knee is feeling,” he said. “I think we are going to remain steady and increase the strength work and decrease the on-the-court stuff, the shooting, and everything else.

“The progression is good and I’m going to keep working and keep pulling through. I think in a couple months I should get a better feel on an exact time.”


Livingston, who at 22 is considered the team’s point guard of the future, said his next checkup will probably come in late February.

“It gets frustrating at times, but overall I am happy about how I am progressing,” he said. “The main thing is that I am progressing. If I wasn’t getting any better or the strength wasn’t getting better, then it would be frustrating permanently.

“I feel good about it,” he said of his return this season. “I think it can happen. It may be a little bit later than the All-Star break, but it’s still a possibility.”


For now, it’s about the girth and size of his quad muscle.

“Getting that is going to be crucial to my explosion, running and endurance,” he said.

Guard Guillermo Diaz will have to wait a bit longer to suit up for his first NBA game.

Diaz, who signed a 10-day contract Tuesday, was informed shortly before the game started that he could not dress because of a clerical error.

The active list the team submitted listed guard Richie Frahm, who was waived, instead of Diaz.

