
WWE SummerSlam updates: Follow all of the action here

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Follow along as we cover every match of SummerSlam, from opening bell to final pinfall. The card starts at 2 p.m. on the WWE Network.

WWE SummerSlam live updates: Brock Lesnar defeats Randy Orton by TKO

The 12th hour of SummerSlam began with the main event.

Paul Heyman woke up the crowd just by introducing Brock Lesnar, who is still over. The drug test failure in UFC does not appear to have hurt his popularity in WWE at all.

Orton came out to big cheers too. The question is, will this match finish without interference from Bray Wyatt or Goldberg?

Well, neither one did. Lesnar just destroyed Orton. The match ended when Lesnar had Orton down for a ground-and-pound, caught him with an elbow and busted him open. There was a pool of blood in the ring, and it looked like Orton was genuinely out for a second. The doctor called for the bell, but the fact that Lesnar kept pulling people off Orton and attacking him again says it was all part of the match.

Shane McMahon came down to check on Orton and Lesnar gave him an F5.

Fans were chanting for Goldberg at the end, but he didn’t show up. McMahon was giving Lesnar a dirty look. Does Shane go out and recruit Goldberg now as his enforcer to take Lesnar out?

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Roman Reigns vs. Rusev went to a no-contest

Rusev attacked Reigns before he could get in the ring. This made Reigns very angry, and he hit Rusev with a chair. The trainer said Rusev was injured and could not continue as Rusev held his ribs. So Reigns speared him and left him laying as the crowd booed. And an odd night got even odder.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Finn Balor defeats Seth Rollins to win the WWE Universal championship

They started off by introducing the new Universal belt, which for some reason is all red. I think Kane is going to win it. Or Eva Marie.

Balor came out in his Demon King persona, which would have been a lot more impressive if I hadn’t just seen it Monday. I mean, really, why not save his debut for this show, maybe causing people to subscribe to the network just to see it?

The crowd suddenly came to life, not for the start of the match, but to chant about how ugly the new belt is.

Match ending: Rollins went for a splash off the top rope, but Balor moved. Rollins set up for a Pedigree but Balor performed three running dropkicks and pinned him with the Coup de Grace.

Afterward, Balor looked at the belt and then went to hug and kiss his parents, which is just what a Demon King would do.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Natalya, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Bella defeat Becky Lynch, Carmella and Naomi

The crowd is still dead as the pacing of this show has been strange to say the least. Not only did it start at 2, meaning we are almost five hours into it now, but they have had three matches in a row that people didn’t really care about. And this match was put in this spot?

Anyway, Nikki Bella was introduced as the mystery partner, making her return from neck surgery. The crowd was happy to see her. In fact, the only two women the crowd cared about were Bella and Becky Lynch.

The finish: The ring cleared, leaving Bella in with Carmella. Bella got the pin. I’d tell you how, but my network connection froze, which seemed appropriate.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Dean Ambrose defeats Dolph Ziggler to retain the WWE championship

Ambrose is one of my favorite wrestlers, but his matches rarely feel like championship matches. I’m not sure why. It doesn’t help that this is positioned like a mid-card match.

It seemed the crowd still hadn’t recovered from the Styles-Cena match. After a plodding, uneventful match, Ambrose won with the Dirty Deeds.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Anderson and Gallows defeat The New Day by DQ

This match was in a tough spot, following the Styles-Cena match. It didn’t help that Jon Stewart came out to introduce New Day and the crowd booed him and gave him the “What?” treatment. I think a lot of people are mad he gave up his show just before the craziest election season in recent memory.

Stewart was in New Day’s corner throughout the match. Near the end of the match, with New Day down and Anderson and Gallows about to do something dastardly to Stewart, Big E ran down for the save. The ref called for the DQ and Stewart danced in the ring with New Day, somehow making New Day look not as cool as they once looked.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: A.J. Styles defeats John Cena

A WWE match of the year candidate.

I don’t understand why some people, mainly adult men, hate John Cena. He gives 100% in the ring and never has a bad match on a big show. He devotes hours of time to charity, yet he still gets booed. Baffling.

The crowd was 100% into this match, with most of them backing Styles. The action was back and forth with multiple near falls. A recap can’t do it justice, you must seek out this match and watch it.

Finishing sequence: Cena hit an Attitude Adjustment off the second rope but Styles kicked out. Cena couldn’t believe it. He gave a look of disbelief like he has never had before. Like he was giving up.

Cena watched as Styles crawled to the corner and pulled himself up. Cena went for another AA but Styles reversed it into a Styles Clash, then hit the Phenomenal Forearm and pinned Cena clean in the center of the ring.

The crowd gave Styles a standing ovation as he left. Cena sat in the ring, took off his “Never Give Up” armband, kissed it and left it in the ring, walking off as the camera focused on it. What does that mean? I guess we will find out soon.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: The Miz defeats Apollo Crews to retain the Intercontinental title

Boring match. You know how there is always that one song at a concert where everyone rushes to the bathroom? This was the equivalent. Crews has great athleticism but has no flow to his moves.

The Miz won when his wife, Maryse, distracted Crews. He then went for a Stinger Splash into the corner, but Miz moved and Crews hit his head on the ring post. Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Charlotte defeats Sasha Banks to win the women’s title

Crowd was red-hot for this one, and Sasha had an “I’m losing this title tonight” face on.

These two work well together. There was a scary segment in which Charlotte had Sasha on the top rope and appeared to drop her by accident, Banks landed on her neck, but appeared to be OK.

Charlotte later had Sasha up for a Razor’s Edge from the top rope, but Banks reversed it into a Huracarana. Great sequence with the crowd going crazy.

The finish came when Banks had Charlotte in the Bank Statement. She was pulling way back on her when Charlotte used her weight to reverse it into a cradle for the pin. Crowd was stunned. It makes you wonder if Banks has an injury or if some other type of time off is coming for her.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens defeat Enzo Amore and Big Cass

Enzo Amore had the Brooklyn crowd in the palm of his hand, speaking about Frank Sinatra and Biggie Smalls. Cass sang part of “New York, New York”.

Good match. Owens got a laugh when he mocked Enzo’s dance on the ring apron. Owens and Jericho isolated Enzo for a while after Owens had given Cass a cannonball against the ring barricade.

For the finish, Owens launched Enzo toward Jericho, who hit a Codebreaker on Enzo, which appeared to really knock him silly (or in Enzo’s case, sillier). Jericho got the pin.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Sheamus defeats Cesaro

The is the first match of a best-of-seven series. The fans immediately started chanting “You look stupid” at Sheamus. Note to fans: Coming out in a tuxedo and ripping it off to reveal a T-shirt and wrestling trunks isn’t the best look either.

An absolutely brutal, hard-hitting match, as these two guys really seem to like beating each other up.

Finishing sequence: Sheamus hit the White Noise for a two count and a rolling senton off the second rope and got a two count. Cesaro then stood on the ring post, jumped onto the top rope and springboarded into a body block for a two count. Cesaro set up for the Sharpshooter again, but Sheamus thumbed him in the eye, then Brogue Kicked him for the victory.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: Sami Zayn and Neville defeat the Dudley Boys

The broadcast team mentioned that the Dudleys were having problems in the weeks leading up to the match. Will this be the time they pull the trigger and split them apart?.

Zayn and Neville got the win when Bubba Ray accidentally clotheslined his partner, D-Von. Zayn hit Bubba with the Helluva Kick and Neville hit the Red Arrow for the pin.

Really good match. The highlight was Neville standing on Zayn’s back and doing an amazing corkscrew moonsault onto Bubba Ray. No sign of dissension from the Dudleys afterward, so perhaps they are saving it for “Monday Night Raw” tomorrow.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: American Alpha, the Hype Bros., the Usos d. Breezango, the Ascension, the Vaudevillains

Each team got a moment to shine. It’s sort of sad how far the stock of The Usos has fallen.

The crowd was just being let in in Brooklyn’s Barclays Center, so this match took place in front of a lot of empty seats.

The problem with this match is there is no reason for us to care. None of these teams really have a storyline right now.

The finish came after Jason Jordan suplexed everyone in sight. Then everyone hit the ring individually and took whoever else was in the ring out (none of this drew much reaction from the rapidly arriving crowd). Jordan speared Simon Gotch of the Vaudevillains in the corner and tagged Chad Gable, who was tagged by Jey Uso without him knowing it. American Alpha did the Grand Amplitude on Gotch, but Uso hit a splash and pinned Gotch. American Alpha didn’t like Uso stealing the pin and Jey Uso stalked the ring angrily. So it looks like the Usos are turning heel and will feud with American Alpha, probably for the newly announced Smackdown tag team titles.

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WWE SummerSlam live updates: When does SummerSlam start?

Follow along as we cover every match of SummerSlam, from opening bell to final pinfall. The card starts at 2 p.m.

  • Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
  • Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World title
  • Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor for the WWE Universal title
  • John Cena vs. A.J. Styles
  • Rusev vs. Roman Reigns for the U.S. title
  • Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte for the women’s title
  • Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens
  • Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson for the tag titles
  • The Miz vs. Apollo Crews for the Intercontinental title
  • Sheamus vs Cesaro in match one of best-of-seven series
  • Carmella & Becky Lynch and Naomi vs. Natalya and Alexa Bliss and a mystery partner
  • Neville and Sami Zayn vs. Dudleys
  • American Alpha and The Hype Bros. and The Usos vs. Breezango and The Ascension and The Vaudevillains
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