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  • Sept. 16, 2014

  • The Serbian president’s praise of Slobodan Milosevic as a great leader was seen as a provocation Monday in neighboring states where Milosevic’s nationalist policies in the 1990s caused bloodshed and destruction.

    Sept. 10, 2018

  • * Re “World Leaders Hail Milosevic Arrest as End of Turbulent Era,” April 2: Slobodan Milosevic’s arrest is hailed by those who abetted his crimes against humanity by imposing an unethical and illegal arms embargo against Bosnian victims.

    April 4, 2001

  • Re “Make TV Milosevic’s Worst Nightmare,” Opinion, Sept. 26: Eugene Secunda strongly urged freedom-loving countries to get rid of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic by bombarding Serbia with that wonderful medium called television.

    Sept. 29, 1999

  • Now that NATO has parted the blood-red sea that threatened to annihilate the people of Kosovo, there appears to be a burgeoning sense of resolve to have President Slobodan Milosevic relinquish his reign of terror (June 30).

    July 8, 1999

  • Elizabeth Neuffer says what has been on my mind for a long time (Commentary, May 17).

    May 23, 1999

  • * We as a nation shouldn’t be so hesitant to employ our ground troops.

    April 4, 1999

  • * I applaud Susan Blaustein’s vote to “Encourage, Reward Milosevic’s Foes” (Opinion, Feb. 28).

    March 3, 1999

  • Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is a war criminal.

    July 2, 1998

  • * Your reports about the divide between Serbs and the Muslim-Croat Federation in Bosnia deserve comment.

    July 29, 1997

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