
Travel letters: Try a new holiday tradition: staying home

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Stay home for the holidays

Regarding “It Might Be Too Late to Land Holiday Deal” by Catharine Hamm, Oct. 12: What amazes me about articles like this is, why does everyone have to go home every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas and maybe New Year’s Eve? Why can’t everyone tell Grandma they’ll be staying home this year? Save yourself the hassle of spending two, three or more days in the airport, missed flights, snowed-in or canceled flights, all for some turkey? Skype Grandma and tell her you won’t be coming home this year!

Charles P. Martin

Los Angeles

Irish roots


I was thrilled to read the article about the Beara Peninsula and surrounding towns [“Wild, and Wondrous” by Margo Pfeiff, Oct. 5]. My dad, Bert Power, was born in Castletownbere, Ireland. While I was growing up, he talked about his childhood and the beauty of the countryside almost every week. There was not another place like it.

As many other Irishmen who sought work when they immigrated, he came to Los Angeles and joined the LAPD. He served the city for 42 years and loved every day he went to work. He was proud to be a policeman.

My mother, Elizabeth Corrigan, was also born in Ireland, in Kenagh, County Longford. My husband and I have visited Ireland many times.


Mary Loftus

San Marino

Rainbow, shmainbow

So, New York City’s Rainbow Room is back in business [“Rainbow Room Reopens in N.Y.” by Mary Forgione, Oct. 5]. Although the view from the 65th floor is impressive, I won’t fork over $95 for a Sunday brunch that doesn’t include tax and tip. That’s outrageous even by New York standards. I wonder when I’ll read that this place has closed for good?

David Tulanian

Los Angeles

Paducah salute


Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed “Autumn’s Last Blast of Brightness” by Kelly Merritt [Oct. 5], especially the nod to Paducah, Ky. My almost-87-year-old mother moved there 17 years ago after discovering its charm. She and her border collie Koda can often be seen sitting downtown by the river. I want to add a shout-out for Kirchhoff’s Bakery. It’s the best place to have breakfast or lunch (it’s not open for dinner) in Paducah, or if you need a picnic on a drive to see the fall color.

Laura Graham Miller

Los Angeles

Route updates

Regarding “Roots of Route Changes” by Catharine Hamm, Oct. 5: Anyone who has favorite routes might want to consider checking, which offers daily updates on route changes (airlines flying new routes, canceling routes, changing frequency on routes and changing equipment). You can search for specific airlines or cities, and sign up for an email subscription.

It may seem like overkill to get a daily email with route changes, but they are all summarized at the top, so it’s pretty easy to skim and delete if nothing is of interest. It can be well worth it to know months in advance if an airline is adding, dropping or changing a route that matters to you.

Randall Gellens

San Diego
