
Get ready, get set, get out those cameras for the reader photo issue

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What do this photo

and this photo

have in common?

Both were shot with smartphones, and both have been part of the Los Angeles Times Travel section's annual reader vacation photo issue.

Which is to say you don't need a fancy DSLR to take a great photo. You can capture magic moments with that little device you're carrying in your pocket.

Matt Cohen of Phoenix captured that fog-enshrouded photo with an iPhone 5s and made the Alley of the Baobabs on Madagascar seem ethereal.

Mike Battin of Chino Hills used an iPhone 4S to photograph his grandkids at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Fla.

As our photo editors will tell you, it's all about the moment, the composition and the lighting.

There are a few caveats about submitting photos, which you can read about in our first post.

The photo at the very top of the page was shot by Ken Lee with a camera that allows for a long exposure, but even professional photographers can't succeed without careful composition.

And here's how you can submit your works.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, start those cameras.
