
Graduation a Family Affair

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Twenty-five years after graduating from Alemany High School in San Ferndando, Phyllis Ornelaz Militello of Rancho Palos Verdes has received her bachelor of arts degree in human services from California State University, Dominguez Hills. Hers was the third graduation in the family last month. Her daughter Lissa graduated from St. John Fisher School and her son Dominic graduated from Palos Verdes High School. Militello, who has three other children, plans to return to college in the fall to work toward a master’s degree in gerontology.

Eva Shapiro of Rancho Palos Verdes has been elected president of the Sales and Marketing Executives Assn. of Los Angeles. Shapiro, regional manager of Volt Temporary Services, is the first woman to head the 75-year-old organization, whose members represent more than 500 companies.

Two members of the Historical Society of Centinela Valley were given awards at the annual meeting of the Conference of California Historical Societies. Walter Haskell received the R. Coke Wood Award, named for a founder of the state organization, for distinguished contributions to the conference and California history. It is the group’s highest award. Ann Wiedel Shea received a scholastic award for research and compilation of “The Centinela Valley--A Tale of Two Ranchos.”


Laura Calderwood, owner of Charley’s Coffee Shop, was installed as president of the Lawndale Chamber of Commerce. Active in real estate, she developed the Prairie Plaza Shopping Center.

Valerie Reeks of San Pedro was elected president of the Women’s Guild of the San Pedro Peninsula Hospital Foundation. Other elected officers are Barbara Goldreyer, vice president; Edith Smith, recording secretary; Joan Matthews, corresponding secretary, and Dee Klarin, treasurer. Guild members represent the hospital in the community and help with fund-raising.

Robert Rados Jr. was elected president of the Conches Club of San Pedro Peninsula Hospital. The club has provided money to the hospital through membership dues, private contributions and fund-raising social events. Dr. Philip LoGuidices and Al Galletti were elected vice presidents. John Di Carlo was elected treasurer and Irv Walsh is the club’s new secretary.


Frances Limbird was named Torrance’s Distinguished Citizen for 1985 by the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. Limbird, who began volunteer work as a junior in high school, has served on several hospital and environmental committees. Attorney William Beverly was installed as the chamber’s new president, succeeding William Gilchrist.

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