
Auto Insurance

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Beginning July 1, residents throughout California began feeling the repercussions of Senate Bill 850. The unemployed, those on low or fixed incomes and residents of communities subject to discriminatory car insurance rates will be especially hard hit by the law.

Something has to be done about the uninsured motorist, however any measure enacted must provide the public with affordable car insurance across the board. If not, the measure would defeat its purpose of keeping the uninsured motorist off the road. The shortcomings of SB 850 should be given serious consideration.

Most people are law-abiding and therefore many California residents who cannot afford the high cost of auto insurance will not drive their cars but will use public transportation instead. This will put an added burden on some already strained public transportation systems, such as the one in Los Angeles.


Obtaining auto insurance is, unfortunately, a vicious circle for many people who need their cars for work, but cannot afford car insurance because they have little or no income. SB 850 will further compound this vicious circle. If a motorist cannot prove financial responsibility, the fine is $100 and if convicted, the fine is $240. Suppose he cannot afford these stiff penalties any more than he could afford the high cost of auto insurance, the result will be overloaded courts and more overcrowded jails.

I hope that one of our state legislators will take it upon himself or herself to introduce legislation to ban red-lining and to establish a state-run auto insurance program, which would provide affordable car insurance for every California resident.


Los Angeles
