
School Board Chief Can’t Quit: Nobody Wants the Job

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Times Staff Writer

Insisting that he no longer had time for the post, school board member William Dorn tried to resign the board presidency Monday, only to find that no one else wanted the job.

Three months after wresting the position from board member William (Tony) Draper, Dorn said this week that he never intended to be president for a full one-year term and scheduled elections of board officers for Monday night’s meeting.

At that meeting, Dorn at first rebuffed member Caroline Coleman’s effort to renominate him. He nominated recently elected member Ernest Shaw for the post, only to have him decline. Shaw, who serves as vice president and with Coleman and Dorn is part of the board majority that came to power in April, said he had not been in office long enough to take over as president.


Dorn looked at other board members for nominations, but none was forthcoming. After waiting several minutes, Dorn finally said, “Well, I guess I’ve been drafted.” Shaw was renominated for vice president. Both nominations were accepted unanimously by the board.

No Comment From Coleman

Coleman was not available for comment on why she did not seek a leadership post. She faces a felony charge in Los Angeles Superior Court on charges that she filed false expense vouchers for $1,500 in district funds. She has pleaded innocent.

Draper said he was not willing to seek the job unless a member of the new majority nominated him.


Board member Rose Mary Benjamin, who also has been at odds with the new majority, could not be reached for comment.

The president’s duties include running board sessions and meeting twice a month with the schools superintendent to set the board’s agenda. Dorn, 40, a doctor, said two or three additional meetings a week required his attendance. Board members, including the president, receive $400 a month in salary, although Dorn does not accept his pay.
