
San Juan Capistrano : District Officials Weigh Use of Portable Schools

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Portable classrooms have long been a feature of most school districts, but officials of the Capistrano Unified School District are considering a novel solution to the twin problems of overcrowding and changing demographics--portable schools.

Faced with the likelihood of enrollments swelling from the present 19,000 students to more than 26,000 students by 1995, portable schools--which can expand and contract at will or moved altogether--may be an attractive alternative for a district trying to cope with the student population boom.

Although the 23 schools in the Capistrano district will suffice for the present, master plans project an additional six elementary schools will be needed by 1995.


On Oct. 14, a special meeting of the school board will be held to discuss the possibility of erecting portable schools at the district education center at 32972 Calle Perfecto in San Juan Capistrano.

In addition to presentations on the advantages and disadvantages of portable schools, the 7:30 p.m. meeting will allow members of the public to offer suggestions and comments to the school board. For more information, call (714) 496-1215 or (714) 837-5181.
