
Mitterrand and Kohl Agree on Euromissile Terms

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From Reuters

President Francois Mitterrand and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said Saturday that they are in full agreement on the guarantees that should accompany a Soviet-American deal to withdraw medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe.

Speaking after 5 1/2 hours of talks in a 16th-Century royal chateau here, the two leaders told reporters that their positions are the same but did not go into details.

“I think we agree,” Kohl said as Mitterrand nodded in agreement.

Much of the day’s talks concerned negotiations on limiting nuclear forces in Europe and Franco-German efforts to strengthen military cooperation.


Mitterrand announced that he will pay a state visit to West Germany some time in the final quarter of 1987, and that both he and Kohl will attend large-scale Franco-German military maneuvers near Ingolstadt on Sept. 24.

Kohl stressed that the “privileged” relationship between Paris and Bonn was not aimed against others.

He also said that West Germany would never be tempted to seek an alternative in the East to its relationship with France and the rest of Western Europe.


He said his country would not become a “wanderer between two worlds.” The idea of West Germany being tempted by a form of neutralism is one often discussed in the French press.

Both Mitterrand and Kohl referred to the closeness of their views on the Euromissile negotiations to those of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who met both men last Monday.
