
Local News in Brief : Vote on Parcel Tax Hike

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Palos Verdes Estates voters on April 12 will be asked to approve an annual $265-per-parcel property tax--a 49% increase--that supports police, fire and paramedic services. The rate would apply for four years. The present $178-per-parcel tax, set four years ago, expires June 30.

A second property tax of $77, which was approved by voters and pays for such things as street and parkland maintenance, has two more years to run.

The City Council called for the new rate after a public hearing and a presentation by Finance Director Dean H. Beyer, who said the new rate is needed because of rising public safety costs, primarily salaries and benefits. The proposed tax would pay for 30% of the public safety costs, which Beyer said are expected to be $4 million during the next fiscal year. The balance comes from the general fund.


City voters in April also will elect two council members and a city treasurer. One council seat is vacant, and Councilman Ronald Florance has said he will not seek reelection. Treasurer Hazel Elder, who has served for 18 years, will run again. Filing for office starts Jan. 14 and ends Feb. 9.
