
****Excellent***Good**Fair*Poor : AUDIOCASSETTES

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<i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson </i>

“The Healing Heart” by Norman Cousins. Read by William Conrad. Dove (abridged on two cassettes, 160 min.). Cousins, whose earlier book, “Anatomy of an Illness,” detailed his use of positive attitude and laughter to overcome a grave affliction, had a serious heart attack in 1981. In “The Healing Heart” he reported how strict diet, exercise, an active but low-stress schedule and the same confident, positive, joyful attitude enabled him to avoid invasive heart exams and bypass surgery and improve the condition of his heart. He admits it might not work for everyone but argues (persuasively) that the importance of mental attitudes and emotional states in the healing process cannot be overstated. But Cousins also stresses close cooperation with doctors; self-help does not exclude medicine. Deep-voiced William Conrad’s reading is appropriately confident and joyful. An eloquent and useful attitude-changer. Information: (800) 345-9945. ****
