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Diseases reported to the Los Angeles County Department of Health:

October October Year to Year to Date Date 1986 1987 1987 1986 Intestinal Infections Amebiasis 25 26 356 375 Campylobacteriosis 96 90 973 950 Giardiasis 128 159 1,167 1,300 Salmonellosis 167 161 1,494 1,263 Shigellosis 214 229 1,144 1,244 Childhood diseases Mumps 1 6 46 54 Measles 6 7 28 50 German measles 1 1 38 33 Whooping cough 6 7 45 33 Scarlet fever 22 10 340 305 Venereal diseases Gonorrhea 2,507 4,780 31,989 39,990 Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea 63 138 1,312 614 Syphilis 305 348 3,456 2,018 Other infectious diseases Hepatitis A* 105 135 985 949 Hepatitis B** 62 95 794 1,023 Meningococcal infections*** 10 3 288 87 Tuberculosis 113 104 1,259 1,177

* Hepatitis A is spread by fecal-contaminated water or food or by contact with another infected person. ** Hepatitis B is spread by contaminated blood or unsterile needles. *** Meningococcal infections can cause spinal meningitis and blood poisoning.

Source: L. A. County Department of Health Services


Research: Tracy Thomas / Los Angeles Times
