
Defendant Asked for Job by Court Aide

Associated Press

A court reporter for the federal judge who sentenced millionaire industrialist Victor Posner in a tax evasion case has been in contact with Posner’s organization for a job, the visibly perturbed judge said in court today.

U.S. District Judge Eugene P. Spellman said he first learned of conversations between court reporter Mario Contillo and Posner on Monday afternoon.

“When I found out, I went through a series of emotions . . . distress and outrage . . . that a member of my staff is guilty at the very least of impropriety,” he said.


“I’m not saying his conduct was illegal, but I feel it was reprehensible.” He said Contillo was offered “a substantial amount” to work for Posner.

Posner pleaded no contest Sept. 29 to evading more than $1.2 million in federal taxes by inflating the value of land he donated to a Bible college as a tax exemption.

Posner, who had faced up to 40 years in prison, was ordered to pay more than $4 million in back taxes and fines and to give $3 million to help Florida’s homeless.
