
Poll Shows Wilson Outdoing Democrats for Governor

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Times Political Writer

The talk in California political circles Thursday was a new statewide poll showing that Republican U. S. Sen. Pete Wilson would defeat any of the three Democrats often mentioned as his potential opponents if the 1990 gubernatorial election were held now.

Political sources also said that the independent California Poll, which will be published today, found that former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein continues to lead Atty. Gen. John K. Van de Kamp among Democrats who were asked their preference in the governor’s race.

According to these sources, the survey found that among all voters, Wilson beats Van de Kamp by 46% to 38% in a theoretical gubernatorial match-up; Wilson beats Feinstein 49% to 39%, and he defeats Controller Gray Davis 51% to 29%.


Among Democrats only, Feinstein leads Van de Kamp by 38% to 30% with Davis getting 12%.

Wilson, just reelected to a second Senate term last year, announced earlier this year that he will seek the Republican gubernatorial nomination now that GOP Gov. George Deukmejian has said he will retire from politics after his current term.

Los Angeles Police Daryl F. Gates is the only Republican now exploring a primary race against Wilson, and the California Poll’s match-up between those two found Wilson leading Gates by a whopping 64% to 18%.

Polls this early in the governor’s race are viewed with some skepticism by political professionals, who argue that few in the general public are really tuned into the race this far away from the elections.


Left Office in 1988

To a large extent, these professionals argue, the findings simply reflect “name I. D.”--that is, the extent to which a candidate’s name is familiar.

Feinstein, for example, is better known than Van de Kamp, according to the California Poll, even though she has been out of office--and largely out of the news--since early 1988.

According to those who have seen the survey, Feinstein is known by 76% of Californians, while Van de Kamp is known by 66% and Davis by 54%.


And on the Republican side, Wilson is known by 82% of Californians, while Gates is known by 55%.

Still, despite some doubts among professionals about early polls, their results are trumpeted by the leading candidates in the crucial fund raising that is going on now.

One source close to Feinstein said she was ecstatic over her showing in the latest poll and said her advisers were more certain than ever that they would mount a major campaign against Van de Kamp, who has already announced his intention to seek the Democratic gubernatorial nomination next year.

Feinstein’s success among Democrats in the California Pollshe led Van de Kamp in the last one, two months ago--continues to confound some political experts because she has never run statewide.

One consultant said privately that all he could figure was “that Dianne really broke through the wall in 1984.” That was the year San Francisco hosted the 1984 Democratic Convention and Feinstein was mentioned as a possible vice presidential choice and had her picture on the cover of Time magazine. All that publicity left a lasting impression on a significant number of Californians--one that has not faded.

One set of figures watched closely by campaign managers is a candidate’s favorability rating with voters, since it is hard to conduct a campaign if the candidate is viewed negatively by a large number of people.


According to those who have seen the new California Poll, Wilson does well in this category too. He is viewed favorably by 55% of Californians and unfavorably by 27%.

For Feinstein, the rating is 45% favorable and 31% unfavorable; for Van de Kamp, 45% favorable to 21% unfavorable; Davis, 30% favorable to 24% unfavorable, and for Gates, 26% favorable to 29% unfavorable.
